Background of the Course
- Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Template
- Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Ppt
- Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Format
Hostile environment awareness plays an important role in the effectiveness and impact of crisis management missions; it is also a chief responsibility that each seconding or contracting actor has vis-à-vis its deployed personnel (“duty of care”), so as to further address the issue of their protection while operating in high risk operational theaters.
Hostile environment awareness is essential to coping with internal and external security threats on the ground and is conducive to: a) enhancing the resilience of personnel when working in hazardous environments; b) increasing the understanding of proactive security and of basic field measures; c) providing personnel with the basic tools and techniques needed to avoid potentially dangerous situations or to cope adequately with actual endangering ones in the field.
Hostile, complex or challenging environments Our Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) courses are specifically designed to ensure personnel, contractors and other third parties under your Duty of Care remit are prepared for travelling to, or operating in, hostile, complex or challenging locations. Repeated hostile or aggressive messages! Through media, such as a mobile phone or the internet! Intended to hurt someone! Or to make them uncomfortable2. The posting of one embarrassing picture, message or video clip is cyber-bullying: Each time it is viewed or posted somewhere else, it can be seen as a repeat of the bullying3.
This course has been designed and developed jointly by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and the Carabinieri Corps General Headquarters, precisely with the aim to address such needs.
The course is organized under the patronage of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ENTRI Certification
This is the first HEAT course to have obtained the “C3MC” label” which proves that the Course is coherent with the minimum standards requested by ENTRI/EU. Through the certification process, ENTRi aims at ensuring harmonisation of training standards among training providers working on civilian crisis management training.
Training Objectives & Modules
HEAT is an intensive 40-hour course that aims at training professionals to deal effectively with risk-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad. The training is expected to improve participants’ understanding of the minimum behavioural field requirements when working as a team members of an international field operation irrespective of their national or professional background. The course has two primary objectives:

1. To improve participants’ knowledge of multiple threats present in hostile field environments and of ways and means of dealing with them in an effective manner;
2. To rehearse and practice safety and security procedures according to specific threats.
The Course content is clustered in five modules:
Module I - EU personnel deployed in hostile environments
Module II - Situational training exercise (STX)
Module III - Medical training: health maintenance on mission

Module IV - Orientation , communication s & 4-wheel drive
Module V - Field training exercise (FTX)
The 2nd Mobile Brigade of Carabinieri Corps acts through one of its special units as implementing partner during the outdoor role playing sessions.
Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Template
The Course, in addition to general background lectures, focuses on operational procedures and practice. Participants are tested through various scenarios, advanced role-playing sessions and simulation exercises. There is ample use of specific case study material, outdoor activities and extensive reference is made to the field experiences of both lectures and participants.
Teaching Staff & Director
Professor Andrea de Guttry (Scuola Sant’Anna) and the Commander of the 1st Carabinieri Paratrooper Regiment “Tuscania” are the Co-Directors of the Course. Lecturers and trainers are mainly from the 1st Paratrooper Regiment “Tuscania”, the unique Special Operations Force of Carabinieri Corps, currently engaged in critical countries and high risk operational theatres all over the world.
How to apply (we suggest you to use the Mozilla Firefox browser to fill in the application form)
Candidates are requested to apply on-line:
a. by March 28th, 2016 for the HEAT Course II
b. by May 23rd, 2016 for the Heat Course III
Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Ppt
c. by October 10th, 2016 for the Heat Course V
Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Hostile Environment Awareness Training Manual Pdf Format
Pre-conditions for participation in the course
The completion of the e-HEST course, accessible free of charge at, or, of the Basic Security in the Field II, accessible free of charge at, is a pre-condition for participation in the residential HEAT course. Such certifications are currently a prerequisite in order to be deployed in EU-led field operations in “high” or “critical” risk areas. All applicants must have a valid driving licence. Participants are expected to have already obtained a valid First Aid Certificate. Alternatively, they are strongly recommended to attend a specific online course (such as
Course website:
What is a Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)?
Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) is an intensive practical course with hands-onactivities that allow participants to explore their behavior and learn, apply and experience life saving behaviours through realistic simulations in a high-risk environment.
The aim is to improve personal security and self-awareness for NGO workers. Our well-tested learning process builds on 3 phase methodology of (1) learning theory, (2) putting classroom learning into a practice, and (3) testing your newly gained skills in realistic simulations.
Who should attend the training?
The training is designed for Aid Workers who are deployed to high-risk / hostile environment countries.
What will I learn in a HEAT training?
Most of Salanga’s HEAT trainings are organized and planned for a specific clients’ needs. The topics covered may include the following:
- Survival skills (water, food, shelter)
- Landmines, UXO & IEDs
- Navigation & topography
- First Aid
- Abduction & hostage taking
- Coping with sexual violence
- Stress management & defusing
- Field communication & equipment
- Security planning
- Context & risk assessment
- Familiarization with weapons
- Check-points & roadblocks
- Cross-fire
- Travel security
- Cultural awareness & security strategies

What new skills will I have when I’ve completed the HEAT training?
Apart from the practical skills gained through hands-on experience in the topics listed above. People that complete the training have a(n):
- Better awareness of how I react under stress;
- Improved understanding of how an individual’s behaviour can affect a team in stressful situations;
- Increased understanding of the need to analyze situations ahead of time; and,
- Appreciation for thinking/sensing/analyzing before acting.
How can I participate in HEAT training?

Salanga has been conducting HEAT training for 12 years. Contact us to discuss your team’s needs with our security training team.
Also, check our training calendar.