You might have noticed that when downloading content from the PSN store or Xbox Live marketplace downloads can sometimes be really slow. Even when connecting a LAN (Network) cable to your console, downloads still stay pretty slow so the conclusion there is that it might not have anything to do with your WiFi network or network at all. However, there is a chance that the slow downloads are being caused by a slow DNS server from your providers side.
Apr 24, 2019 The PS4 has a fairly good network card in it. It supports the protocol for a full gigabit connection allowing up to 1000 Mbps and allows the full speed potential of a 2.4 GHz WiFi signal (up to 450 Mbps). Though the PS4 can handle these speeds in practice you will most likely never achieve them. When I do a connection test through my PS4 it gives me wide ranges of changes from 300-400 mbps download/100-200 mbps upload speeds and then the very next test it gives me 300-400 mbps download. Ps4 fan never changes speed, always on low. I recently cleaned out a PS4 I was given, because it was awful and would overheat. I cleaned it out and changed the power supply, it does turn on now, however after doing so the fan will never speed up when its getting hot and it causes some games to stutter.
Everything that is being accessed on the internet has to be looked up through Domain Name Servers (DNS), which your very own internet provider usually provides for you. For example a DNS server looks up that is actually the server on IP So for every look-up it needs to first talk to your ISP’s DNS server before it can actually get to the destination. Now in a normal situation this should be working just fine, but there might be cases where a providers DNS server can be flooded with requests and therefor becoming very slow to respond for your particular look-ups.
To solve this there is an easy solution which you can use for either your Router or on the Console itself.
Changing DNS servers
To change your DNS servers you can either enter new ones in your Routers configuration or on the console. In both cases you can use either Googles DNS servers ( and or the ones provided by OpenDNS ( and OpenDNS even has some other interesting additions for DNS, like blocking and protecting ‘dangerous’ websites that include spyware.
The best way is ofcourse to change this on your internet Router itself (most of the times by going to in your web browser and finding a page where you can enter DNS servers manually). If it’s set in the router, it will be used for all your Network equipment and you want have to change anything on your console or other hardware.
But if you want to do it only on the console itself, here are the steps for the PS4:
1. Press the PlayStation Button
2. Select Settings
3. Select Network
4. Select Set Up Internet Connection
5. Select either WiFi or LANCable (best is ofcourse Cable)
6. Select Custom, Manual, Choose either Easy or Manual
7. Once you get to the DNS Settings, enter in the Primary and Secondary DNS server address of one of the two DNS Servers as mentioned above.
Now that you have entered the new DNS Servers, proceed through to the end of the set-up process and confirm the changes by running the suggested Internet Connection Test. After this, try downloading something that was taking a very long time before to download, prior to the changes to see if there’s any difference.
Playstation Slow Download Speed
Some people report that changing the MTU size from 1500 to for example 1473 works, however from a technical point of view this does not make any sense and will create more overhead on your LAN network. You can best always select Automatic.
Ps4 Slow Wifi Download Speed
Some PS4 owners may encounter slow wifi problem from time to time. This problem is due to a a number of factors so there’s no universal fix that you can do. You’ll need to narrow down the causes to get rid of the problem.
If you’re one of the users with a problematic wifi connection, you may experience any or a combination of these common indicators:
- Download speed is drastically reduced.
- Online Multiplayer games lag or button inputs are delayed
- Remote Play keeps disconnecting
- Streaming on PlayStation Now lags or shows image distortion
- Music or video being streamed keeps pausing or buffering
If you are experiencing any of these problems, follow this guide to fix the problem.
Causes why wifi on your PS4 is slow
Ezdok camera crack download. If you encounter slow wifi issue on your PS4, you’ll have to check a number of factors that may cause it. Below are the common reasons why your PS4 wifi connection may be slow.
ISP problem.
Not all connection problems that you can encounter on your PS4 is console-related. In some cases, the issue may be outside your home network, like an issue with your Internet Service Provider. Try running a speed test on your computer or smartphone to check if your router is providing the download and upload speed that you’re paying for. If the download or upload speeds are way below your subscribed speeds, get help from your ISP.
Random router or PS4 bug.
Electronic devices like your PS4 or network devices like routers can develop bugs from time to time. These bugs may affect the connection in general and cause wifi on your PS4 to disconnect or become slow.
Wifi signal interference.
Wifi signal can encounter hindrances from a lot of factors. Thick walls, other wireless devices, glass, or metal objects are just some of the common causes why there’s signal interference at home.
Low bandwidth.
Your wireless network may be overwhelmed by the number of devices streaming or downloading at the same time. If such situation occurs, a gaming console may encounter slow wifi issue which may affect online plays as well as basic networking tasks such as downloading or streaming.
Old generation PS4.
First generation PS4 consoles use a slower network card compared to the ones in the later models such as PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro. If you have a fast connection from your Internet Service Provider but your PS4 is old, it’s probably caused by an older network card. This is not a design issue but rather a hardware limitation. If you want to experience a faster connection experience, we suggest that you swap your old console with a new one.
Troubleshooting slow wifi issue on PS4 (PlayStation 4)
Time Needed :20 minutes
You’ll need to do a set of troubleshooting steps in order to fix slow wifi issue on a PS4. Follow the solutions below to fix your PS4 slow wifi problem.
- Run a connection speed test.
You can perform a speed test on your PS4 console to see if it’s getting enough download and upload speeds. To do that, follow these steps:
-Open Settings.
-Select Network.
-Select Test Internet Connection.
If the estimated download and upload speeds are still too slow, continue with the rest of the troubleshooting steps below. - Power cycle PS4, modem and/or router.
Turn off your PS4 and disconnect the power cable from the back. Do the same for the modem or router. Make sure to allow the two devices to fully shut down for 30 seconds. After that, turn the router back on and wait until all the lights are fully stable. Then, turn the PS4 on and connect to your wifi network again.
- Try a wired connection.
If you badly need a fast connection and you have no time to troubleshoot your PS4 wifi, use an ethernet cable. This is a good way to ignore any wifi problems that your PS4 may be encountering at the moment. A wired connection is highly recommended if you play online. A wired setup is better than wifi as it eliminates signal interference and reduces chances of having download and upload issues.
- Turn off other devices that may be consuming bandwidth.
Music from the succubus club. Other devices like smart TVs, phones, computers, laptops, or other gaming consoles can consume wifi bandwidth that may slow your PS4 wifi down to a crawl. Try to shut them down if you’re playing to see if that will improve the situation.
- Move the console closer to the router.
The closer your PS4 is to the console, the lower the chance of wifi signals from cutting out. Try placing the PS4 console next to the router if possible and see if that will fix your slow wifi issue.
- Try 5GHz network.
If your router broadcasts in both 2.4GHz and 5GHz, you can try using the latter on your PS4. The 5GHz network is faster than 2.4 and may be only being used by fewer devices in your home. Check out your router documentation to see if your router has 5GHz capability.
- Turn off Remote Play.
Some users were able to fix slow wifi issues on their PS4 by disabling Remote Play. This is a wireless connection feature on your PS4 that allows you to create a network just like wifi in order to allow other devices to connect. If you’ve enabled it before, try turning it off and see what happens.
Here’s how to disable Remote Play:
-Open Settings.
-Go to Remote Play Connection Settings.
-Go to Enable Remote Play and make sure the box is unchecked.
Possible workaround: Change DNS servers manually.
We have tried this solution in our own PS4 but it didn’t do much. However, some PS4 owners in the past said that this worked on their end. Depending on the cause of your problem, this suggestion may or may not help.
Follow the steps below to change the DNS servers on your PS4 manually. If this won’t work at all, be sure to revert the DNS settings to their previous configuration.
Open Settings.
Go to Network Settings.
Choose WiFi (ideally select LAN if you have a wired connection).
Select CUSTOM.
Connect to your home WiFi.
Select automatic settings until you see the DNS screen.
Choose Manual and enter as your primary DNS and as your secondary DNS.
Suggested readings:
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