- V-RayMtl Converter 3 — is a new version of the maxscript known as VRayMtlConverter. This version is the next generation after version 2.5 and in comparison with the previous version new features and improvements appeared in this version: support for more materials, maps and other scene components, additional selection of materials for conversion, as well as more flexible options for.
- 14.9K subscribers Download the material converter.zip file and extract it into a folder on your computer. In Maya, select the custom shelf on the toolbar and drag the 'InstallerPoliigonMaterialConverter.mel' file from the. An explorer will now open, then navigate to the extracted.

Steps: Download the Poliigon Material Converter for 3DS Max. To install the material converter, open the zip folder and drag in the installation file into the viewport in Max. Ilauncher samsung software. Add the Poliigon toolbar button by going to the customize menu, then select customize user interface. Re: Converting from Vray to Corona When you install Corona, you can find an official converter script 3ds max - MAXScript - Run Script - 3dsmax directory - Script - CoronaRenderer - coronaConverterv1.38.ms.
V-RayMtl Converter 3 converts the source materials with maximum possible preservation of the basic material properties, such as diffuse, specular, opacity (including filter), glossiness, roughness, bump, displacement, selfillumination (emission), translucency, reflection, refraction (although it is necessary to understand that certain materials may need adjustments once the conversion process is complete). Also, all the textures that are used for the above parameters were saved. As for the special procedural maps, they are converted only if there is an analogue. Otherwise, the procedural maps remain as they are or are deleted if the target materials do not support them.
Concerning the accuracy of the conversion, we want to note that none of the existing converters can provide 100% accuracy of the conversion due to the fact that the principle of different rendering engines is different too, and sometimes even significantly. In this regard, the physical parameters of these materials are also significantly different. Therefore, some complex, multi-component materials after using our converter are recommended to be checked again and adjusted manually, although often that’s is not required. But despite these, we tried to achieve the maximum possible accuracy of the conversion, which the our plugin provides an average of 95-98% (and in some cases 100%) and without exaggeration we can say that this is the best result!
The following materials for conversion are currently supported: Default Scanline (Standard), Raytrace, Autodesk Material, Architectural (Revit), mrArch&Design (Mental Ray), Physical Material, Corona Render, NVIDIA iray (unofficial), finalRender, Brazil Advanced. A more complete list of materials, maps, and other scene components supported for conversion can be found here.
Soon we plan to release a new PRO version, which, in addition to new features and many improvements, will also add support for the following rendering engines: Arnold, FStorm, Octane, Redshift.

- added batch materials conversion mode for multiple .max files to 'Material Conversion' section.
- added a function to handle possible errors during batch conversion of materials with writing to a temporary log file when they occur.
- removed some conversion options to V-Ray: enable or disable converting Blend, Shellac and DoubleSided materials. Now these materials are always converted to V-Ray materials by default.
- some changes have been made to the UI in the 'Material Conversion' section for a more comfortable perception.
- added option 'Convert Bitmap to VRayBitmap' in the 'Material Conversion' section. If enabled, converts all standard bitmaps used in the specified material to VRayBitmap. Otherwise, all standard bitmaps will remain unchanged.
- added 'All Scene Bitmaps to VRayBitmap' option in the 'Advanced Conversion' section for converting all standard bitmaps in the current scene (including those used in materials, modifiers, render settings, environment, etc.) to VRayBitmap.
- removed 'Convert CoronaBitmap to VRayBitmap' option from 'Material Conversion' section. CoronaBitmap is now always converted to VRayBitmap by default.
- added automatic saving of options settings for the 'Advanced Fix' section when closing the script.
- optimized internal code for more stable and faster work.
- added transfer of Diffuse color animation keys from source material to target material (currently support for Standard, Raytrace, Architectural, CoronaMtl, CoronaLightMtl, VrayMtl and VrayLightMtl)
- fix gamma handling when converting CoronaBitmap texturemap to VrayBitmap (VrayHDRI)
- optimized loading of script and added loading bar
- improved handling of unexpected errors that may occur during material conversion
- added support for Corona 6
- improved the licensing system for working on computers with unstable network connection settings, which caused the license activation to be reset.
- fixed installer for use on Windows 10, when the user has limited permissions to modify files in certain folders
- added support for converting Physical Material to V-Ray Material (optional)
- added option to 'Advanced Fix' section for reseting Material Editor slots to default V-ray materials
- added support for V-Ray 5
- added support for converting CoronaUvwRandomizer texturemap to VRayUVWRandomizer
- fixed issue when converting mr texturemap 'Multi/Sub-Map' from Arch&Design materials to V-Ray
- enhanced security system for stable work on different OS builds
- fixed gamma setting when converting CoronaBitmap to VrayHDRI
- fixed error occurrence when converting some Arch&Design materials to V-Ray
- bitmap texture maps with empty 'filename' value are removed from materials
- added option to 'Advanced Fix' section for deleting VRayDisplacementMod from scene
- optimized code for faster processing of a very large number of materials in the scene
How To Download Vray
v3.99- added support for Corona Render v.5
- changed the licensing system to use one license for 2 computers
- fixed issue with on/off 'Cast shadows' option when converting CoronaLight to VrayLight
- fixed an error when baking maps, if their names contain invalid characters
- the mzp installer is rewritten and added the uninstaller to it
- fixed ignoring CoronaBitmap texturemap from CoronaNormal texturemap when disabling the 'Convert CoronaBitmap to VrayHDRI' option
- fixed an issue when converting cameras to VrayPhysicalCamera in 3ds max 2016-2020 and V-Ray 3.3
- removed the *.exe installer from distribution archive to fix issues with some antiviruses when downloading and using it
- added support for Corona Renderer v.4
- fixed issue that sometimes occurred when trying to start plugin in 3ds max 2016
- add support for 3ds Max 2020
- fixed issue when trying to convert VrayDirt map to Standard in some versions of 3ds max
- improved conversion of Corona Proxy to Vray Proxy
- some code optimization for speedup to conversion
- fixed issue with error when trying to convert Architectural Material with enabled the option 'Show Texture Maps in Viewport' if the Autodesk Material Library is not installed
- some code optimization and speedup of conversion process
- added option to switch to Default Scanline Renderer engine after converting V-Ray materials to Sandard materials.
- fixed issue with again license activation request when creating a new Project folder
- some code optimization and speedup of conversion process
- added support for Corona Renderer v3.0
- added automatic saving of the main settings of conversion parameters when closing the converter window
- added a field for manually entering the Albedo value in the 'Advanced Fix' section
- fixed issue that sometimes occurred when converting CoronaLight with IES in some versions of 3ds max
- some improvements conversion to Standard materials
- added convert fR_IES to VrayIES
- added convert fRDome to VrayLight as Dome Light
- added convert fR RectLight to VrayLight
- added convert fR CylinderLight to VrayLight
- added the ability to download updates from the website
- fixed issue with the internet connection while validating the license, which was due to changes in the security protocol on the server.
- some minor corrections of code to speed up the work
- add support for Corona Renderer v2.0
- some conversion improvements and code optimization
- rewritten the .exe installer for support installation to several versions of 3ds Max
- fixed issue of transferring selfillumination texturemap when converting from VRayMtl to Standard
- added baking of VrayColor and VrayCompTex maps to bitmap textures when converting from V-Ray materials to Standard
- fixed issue if Autodesk_Material is not recognized when converting from Standard materials (it happened if the Autodesk Material Library is not installed)
- some code optimization, improvements and fixed minor bugs
- added converting Corona Camera to V-Ray Physical Camera in 'Advanced conversion' section
- fixed issue with checking the installed V-Ray version when starting the script
- added support for V-Ray Next
- added option for choice of how to converting CoronaBitmap: to VrayHDRI or to Standard Bitmaptexture
- added support for convert CoronaRoundEdges to VRayEdgesTex
- improved conversion CoronaFrontBack texturemap (creates a Vray2Sided material if this map is used in the diffuse slot)
- added convert CoronaLight with ies to VrayIES
- added option in 'Advanced conversion' section for converting only selected Lights node
- added option in 'Advanced conversion' section to selecting conversion type of the Standard Cameras (for Max 2016 and newer)
- some conversion improvements and code optimization
- add support for 3ds Max 2019
- added set 'Glossy Fresnel' option to 'On' for all V-Ray Materials in 'Advanced Fix' section
- added clear 'Effect ID' override for all V-Ray Materials in 'Advanced Fix' section
- added set VRayFastSSS2 multiple scattering to 'Raytraced' in 'Advanced Fix' section
- improved and speedup work 'Fix Normal bitmap textures to VRayNormalMap' option in 'Advanced Fix' section
- changed licensing system to use the script offline after license activation
- more optimized code and improving for conversions
- added support for NVIDIA iray material
- added converting objects with CoronaPortalMtl to V-Ray Mesh Lights as Skylight Portal
- added Show Texture maps in Viewport option
- added fix Albedo option for V-Ray Materials in 'Advanced Fix' section
- added fix Blinn to Microfacet (GGX) shader type option for V-Ray Materials in 'Advanced Fix' section
- improved conversion from Standard materials
- added support CoronaHairMtl
- added support CoronaSkinMtl
- added support CoronaBumpConverter
- added support CoronaDistance
- added support VRayHairMtl (basic)
- added support VrayBumpMtl (simple)
- added support VRayBmpFilter (basic)
- added support VRayBump2Normal (basic)
- adedd support VRayMultiSubTex (basic)
- added support VRayLut (basic)
- added support VRayUserColor (simple)
- added support VRayUserScalar (simple)
- added support VRayFakeFresnelTex (simple)
- added support VRayHairInfoTex (simple)
- fixed VRayColor2Bump conversion issue
- fixed support VrayNormalMap for V-Ray 3.3 and older
- improved support for CoronaNormal
- improved conversion to Standard material
- improved and rewrite licensing system
- added new advanced option for fix Normal bitmap textures to VRayNormalMap
- added new advanced option to set Gamma 1.0 for Standard Diffuse bitmaps
- added option for converting Standard opacity to V-Ray refraction
- added support conversion from Car_Paint_Material__mi
- added support conversion from VRayCarPaintMtl
- added support conversion from VRayColor2Bump to Bitmaptexture
- added support conversion from VrayDirt to ai_ambient_occlusion
- fixed saves names for Autodesk materials imported from Revit
- fixed some bugs and improved plugin performance
Conversion direction:
Choose the direction of converting materials.
Two options are available:

- All Supported Materials → V-Ray Materials [
]- This option intended for converting any materials used in the current scene (currently supported Standard, Raytrace, Corona, NVIDIA iray (unofficial), Brazil Advanced, finalRender, Arch&Design and some other materials) to V-Ray Materials.
More detailed list of supported materials and maps can be seen by clicking on the |?| button located next to this dropdown menu or read now (open in a new window).
- This option intended for converting any materials used in the current scene (currently supported Standard, Raytrace, Corona, NVIDIA iray (unofficial), Brazil Advanced, finalRender, Arch&Design and some other materials) to V-Ray Materials.
- V-Ray Materials → Standard Materials
- This option intended for converting V-Ray materials used in the current scene to Standard materials.
This option is often used in the game developers and modelers and is very useful for this.
- This option intended for converting V-Ray materials used in the current scene to Standard materials.
Batch Material Conversion:
This checkbox is designed to switch to batch materials conversion mode in multiple .max files.
When this mode is enabled, the following options become available:

- Source Folder:
- Here you can specify the source folder that contains the .max files to be converted.
- Output Folder:
- Here you need to specify the output folder for saving converted files.
- Silent:
- This checkbox disables or enables the display of messages about the conversion process in the MAXScript Listener.
Enabling this option may slightly speed up the conversion process with a large number of files.
- This checkbox disables or enables the display of messages about the conversion process in the MAXScript Listener.
Vray Materials Library
Materials to convert:
Choose which Materials you want to convert.
Six options are available:
- All Scene Materials [
]- Convert all supported materials and maps in the current scene.
- Materials On Selected Object(s)
- Converting all materials from selected objects only.
- Custom Selected Scene Material(s)
- Convert selected materials from the list below.
Multiple choice of materials is available when you press the[Ctrl]
keyboard buttons.
- Convert selected materials from the list below.
- Material from Selected MEdit Slot
- Convert material only in the selected Materials Editor Slot.
- All Materials in Material Editor
- Convert materials from all slots in Material Editor.
- Materials on Library File
- Converting materials only in the selected material library file (*.mat).
When this option is selected, it becomes possible to select the library file you want from the button bellow. As a result, a new file with the converted materials is created and saved in the same folder with a new name containing the word '_Converted'.
- Converting materials only in the selected material library file (*.mat).
A set of additional options for converting selected materials. Although these parameters are optional, for ease of use, some of them are enabled by default.
NOTE: Depending on the direction of conversion, some options become available or vice versa.
It is also possible to enable additional options that can be provided before and after the conversion process.
Currently, two options are available:
- Save Current State Of Scene Material
- Enable this option to save the current state of the scene materials in order to undo the material conversion and to return to the previous scene state from the:
[Main Menu → Tools → Manage Scene State ..]
- Enable this option to save the current state of the scene materials in order to undo the material conversion and to return to the previous scene state from the:
- Switch To V-Ray Renderer (or Default Scanline Render) After Converting
- Enable this option for switching to the desired rendering engine after material conversion, if necessary.

Advanced conversion:
In this rollout there are additional tools that allow you to convert other components of the current scene, not just materials and maps.
For convenience these parameters divided into three subsections:
- Bitmaps:
- In this subsection, you can enable converting all standard Bitmaps in the current scene (including those used in materials, modifiers, render settings, environment, etc.) to VRayBitmap (or VRayHDRI with old version).
- Lights:
- In this subsection, you can enable or disable the necessary options for converting lights and shadows.
For convenience, it is possible to choose whether to convert all the lights in the current scene or only the selected ones.
- In this subsection, you can enable or disable the necessary options for converting lights and shadows.
- Cameras:
- In this subsection, you can enable or disable the necessary options for converting cameras. For convenience, it is possible to choose whether to convert all the standard cameras in the current scene or only the selected ones. Also, for users of 3ds Max 2016 or later versions has been added the option to select the camera conversion direction: to V-Ray Physical Camera or to 3dsMax Physical Camera
- Corona Renderer:
- This subsection is made specifically for converting the components used by Corona Renderer engine.
Currently, you can convert the Corona Camera to V-Ray Physical Camera, CoronaDisplacementMod to VRayDisplacementMod and Corona Proxy objects to V-Ray Proxy objects with the ability to save converted proxy files in the selected folder.
- This subsection is made specifically for converting the components used by Corona Renderer engine.
Advanced Fix:
In this rollout, there are options that allow you to make some additional adjustments to your scene to improve or correct the existing capabilities of materials, maps and other scene components.
Currently, eight options are available in two subsections:
- Reset MtlEdit Slots to Default V-Ray Materials
- Reset all Material Editor slots to default V-Ray Materials.
- Fix Normal bitmap textures to VRayNormalMap
- With this option you can move all the Normal Bitmap textures to the corresponding VRayNormalMap slot.
This is useful when material of imported objects from some other 3d-software uses directly the normal bitmap textures in the bump slot, which can lead to improper material rendered.
- With this option you can move all the Normal Bitmap textures to the corresponding VRayNormalMap slot.
- Set VRayNormalMap Gamma value to 1.0
- With this option you can set gamma 1.0 in all the maps of the VRayNormalMap type used in the scene.
This is very useful when you use NormalMap, and the gamma settings you have are different from 1.0
- With this option you can set gamma 1.0 in all the maps of the VRayNormalMap type used in the scene.
- Fix Albedo for Diffuse color
- With this option you can fix diffuse color Albedo for all V-Ray materials in the scene.
This is useful if the Diffuse color of the material has a high value, which can lead to a significant increase in the rendering time and cause artifacts on the resulting image.
- With this option you can fix diffuse color Albedo for all V-Ray materials in the scene.
- Change Blinn to Microfacet GTR (GGX)
- With this option you can change the Blinn shader type to the Microfacet GTR (GGX) shader type for all the V-Ray materials in the scene.
- Set 'Glossy Fresnel' option to 'On'
- With this option you can enable the 'Glossy Fresnel' option for all the V-Ray materials in the scene.
- Clear 'Effect ID' override
- With this option you can switch off and clear the 'Effect ID' override option for all the V-Ray materials in the scene.
- Set VRayFastSSS2 multiple scattering to 'Raytraced'
- With this option you can change the multiple scattering method to 'Raytraced' for all the VrayFastSSS2 materials in the scene.
This is useful to reduce render time when using DR and to eliminate scene crashes.
- With this option you can change the multiple scattering method to 'Raytraced' for all the VrayFastSSS2 materials in the scene.
- Set Diffuse bitmap textures Gamma value to 1.0
- This option is intended for changeing gamma value to 1.0 for all bitmap textures that are used as a Standard Diffuse map.
This is useful for correctly exporting materials to some other software that cannot read bitmaps with a gamma value other than 1.0 (for example, Autodesk Fusion 360).
- This option is intended for changeing gamma value to 1.0 for all bitmap textures that are used as a Standard Diffuse map.
- Remove Unsupported Modifiers
- This option is intended for removing modifiers from the scene that are not supported in the Default Scanline Renderer.
Currently possible to remove the following modifiers: VRayDisplacementMod, VRayHairFarmMod, CoronaDisplacementMod, CoronaHairMod, CoronaCameraMod
This is useful for correctly exporting scene to other 3D Software (ie Lumion, etc.).
- This option is intended for removing modifiers from the scene that are not supported in the Default Scanline Renderer.
- Microsoft® Windows
: 7 - 10 - Microsoft® .NET Framework
: 4.5 or later - Autodesk® 3ds Max
: 2013 - 2021 - ChaosGroup® V-Ray
: 3.10.x - 5.xx.xx
Convert Vray Materials To Standard
First of all, be sure to have Administrator rights in order to be able to add/change files in 'C:Program Files' folder!
After downloading the archive you need to unzip the VrayMtlConverter3.mzp file, start 3ds Max as Administrator, go to Main Menu->Scripting->Run Script.. and select VrayMtlConverter3.mzp file (or drag and drop this to any viewport). After the installation is complete you will see 'V-RayMtl Converter 3' icon in your Main Toolbar:
Convert Vray To Standard
Customize UI
] settings, select [3DZverTools
] in the [Category
] drop-down list, below in [Action
] list you will see [V-RayMtl Converter 3
]Corona To Vray Converter
Also, to check and download the existing updates of 'V-RayMtl Converter 3', you can use the special button, which is located in the [
] section of the converter's UI: