A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity (A1) A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords (A1-4) A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade (A2) A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords (A3) A4 In The Dungeons of the Slave Lords (A4) The Adventure Begins (TAB) The Adventure Begins: Adventure Maps (TAB:AM) Against The Giants - The Liberation of Geoff - Adventure (ATG). The material in A1-4 Scourge of the Slave Lords was revised to bring the target character levels to 7-11, thereby making the continuity from T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil a bit smoother. B1-9 In Search of Adventure includes the map to module B1 In Search of the Unknown, but no descriptive text for this module (other than the short note on pg 23). Slave raiders scour the countryside, leaving deathe and destruction in their wake. Daring adventurers srtike into the heartland of the foe to harry the villains and bring retribution and justice to the land.' One of the 'super-modules', the modules A1, A2, A3, and A4 has.
I'd like to run this campaign with C&C (and probably Quenn of Spiders after that) but with a new group. As I don't want to have them create level 7 or 8 characters, I have to run an introduction. 'Temple of Elemental Evil' is out of question, I'm not particularly fan of this big module.

Then I have a big hole between that and the Slavelords (which will probably begin in Botkinburg instead of Homlett). Maybe Isle of Dread for some exotic stuff to do, but I'm not sure. So if you have any ideas for modules for the level range 4-7, I'd like some input. I have access to many D&D and AD&D (and C&C of course) modules.
My last issue is that these modules are located in Aihrde, Mystara and Greyhawk. I'm mostly familiar with Mystara, do you know how I could tie all this in this place (or I make my own universe based on these modules...)
If you have anything to help me, I thank you.